Cheap golden retriever Puppies Nearby

 When having fun in water, it can be easy to forget the onset of symptoms of overexposure to sunlight and dehydration. Taking breaks from the sun is crucial during warm summer months and your pup will thank you for it. Once inside or in the comfort of shade, be sure to rehydrate with fresh water for you and your pup. 

After a day of play in any form of water, a bath may alleviate built up dirt and bacteria and keep your dog’s skin moisturized.   

Cheap golden retriever Puppies Nearby

Summer weather means a warmer temperature and longer daylight hours. Your pup may love soaking up the summer sun, but heightened temperatures require more concern when it comes to dehydration and sun exposure.  

Rather than playing outside for an extended period of time or during peak sunlight hours, take your dog for their daily walk either before the sun rises too high in the sky or just as the sun sets. An easy way to tell if it’s too hot for your dog is the seven second test. Place your hand on the concrete or asphalt for seven seconds. If you cannot keep your hand on the surface for a consistent seven seconds, it is too hot for your dog to be walking outside. Daily exercise is still important, even in extreme weather conditions, which is why pet parents may want to adjust their schedule during the summer months to keep their pups safe. 

If your pup needs more play but your schedule does not allow early morning or evening walks or you’re in an area where it’s still too hot for a walk around the block, schedule your dog for a day of daycare at your local Dogtopia! They will love playing all day long inside our indoor playrooms! Plus, we’ll introduce them to plenty of BFFFs (Best Furry Friends Forever) and come home tuckered out, ready for a long night’s rest. While they are playing with their BFFFs, they will not only get plenty of exercise, but will also work on their social skills they can show off at home. Ready for your dog to beat the heat at Dogtopia? Find a location near you by clicking here. 


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